Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Everything is fake.
you feel something
in your head, it is fake
in your jaw, it is fake
in your lungs, it is fake
in your shoulders, it is fake.
in your chest, it is fake.
in your teeth, it is fake.
in your stomach, it is fake.
in your back, it is fake
in between your eye brows, it is fake

It comes and it goes.
It appears real, but it is not.
It is fake, fake fake, fake, fake.
The description of what it feels like, is not that important ,as much as knowing that it is not real.
Let it go, don't hold on to it. it is fake, it is nor real.
Nothing is real.


What are you listening to?

Are you listening to something that keeps you grounded and calm?
Are you listening to something that helps you not to go after temporary things that come up?
Are you listening to something that helps you loose the grip on tension and pressure?
Are you listening to something that softens your body and mind?
Are you listening to something that's always there, never changes, is continuous?

What are you listening to?

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Everything is a dream.
What happened in the past was a dream.
What will happen in the future will be a dream.
What is happening right now also is a dream.

Do you worry about the dreams that you see when you are asleep?
Then why worry about, what happened in the past,or what will happen in future,or  what is happening now.