Saturday, May 24, 2014

Motivate yourself.

1.We are here to enjoy God and to do his Will.
2.Will you dare to live life like you mean it?
3.Living oout each day passionately is a reward in itself.
4.His ways, methods and paths are untraceable, mysterious and undiscoverable.
5.We only know what we know, but God know everything.
6. Give yourself permission not to know and be satisfied knowing the one who does.
7. Truth is what makes us free
8. When was the lastime you took time to think about why you do what you do?
9. Years may wrinkle your skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkes your soul.
10. Will you dare to follow your heart all the way to fullfillment.
11. Being a blessing to others is a key to keeping enthusiasm in your life.
12. Serving god and others is the pathway to joy.
13. True happiness does not consist of having more and more.
14. God is a giver and his will is that we follow his example.
15. Live to give, don't live to get.
16. It is really not what we have in our hand that gets the job done, but it is god's power filling what we have in our hand.
17. Don't pull off untill later, what can you do today?
18. God does not give us the luxury of feeling realy
19. To tell others what to do, and then not do it yourself, is worse than saying nothing at all.
20. Doing things with excellence means you don't take shortcuts
21. Is there anything you love enough to dedicate your entire being to it?
22. In order to love what you do, you must do what you love.
23. Have a plan each day and work your plan.
24. It is not hard to be dedicated to what you love.
25. Are you daring enough to follow your heart rather than the crowd.

Eight ways individuals waste time

Each of these habits is a burdensome, non-productive way to spend your time, pulling you away from what should be your focus.

1. Worry
2. Guilt
3. Trying to change what only god can
4. Complaining
5. Anger
6  Fear
7. Blame
8. Comparisions.

By dissovering what inspires your mind, body and spirit; by finding direction and focus for your finances, your emotions, and your energies, you will receive the determination to fully realize your potential.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

You are your own world

Nothing exists that doesn't come out of you. If it doesn't come out of you, it cannot exist.

How do you know what is coming out of you?
Look around. All the things around you, all the people around you, are the result of your creation your stories, your thoughts, your expectations, your feelings, your emotions, whatever you want to call them, at the end it is your own creation. You don't like what you see, then start seing something else.
If you don't like grey, start seeing another color, just like color is easily replacable, your stories/thoughts are easily replacable.

Start making a list of all things you have seen or experienced today, start out with Dominiant ones, the ones you remember and ask yourself when was the last time you had a thought about it, how many times have you thought the same thing, do this with every significant thing and observe your own thoughts in manifested form, and if you can catch them in non-manifested form, even better.

Friday, May 16, 2014

It is all about Freedom

Everything a person does, does it for freedom. Not because they are right or wrong.
One might ask, freedom for what?

Freedom from the Painful feelings.
Freedom from the limitation they are imposing on their self.
Freedom from the inability to express themselves.
Freedom from the story (past) that does not exist anymore.
Freedom from the lack of confidence to make that change (new job/relationship).
Freedom from the beliefs/thoughts(i can't/won't do it) that put's them in this spot.

Next time you see yourself getting angry/upset/diappointed/crying/hurt, pat yourself for taking a short trip to "know thyself". And ask yourself, What is it that i want? Why is it that i want? What is stopping me from it?

It's not about other's judgement about you.
It's about you to let go of those limiting thought patterns that is holding you back from experiencing the peace that you are. And that my friend is self-realization.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

What are you manifesting?

Have you ever wondered about all the thoughts you think of in a day, where do they go? do they just disappear? If they disappear, they must be only after it's existence has expired. if they don't disappear, they must exist somewhere.

Nothing exists that doesn't come out of you.
Do you understand that if it doesn't come out of you, it cannot exist?

So, what are you manifesting? Stars? universe? trees? stone? a bird?
Well, Who is the thinker, take a look, take a look at all the things around you.
Did those exist in your reality before you thought of them?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Stories, Stories, Stories

It is all about the stories.

From the moment you wake up in the morning, till you sleep, and sometimes even in your sleep. We tell nothing but stories.

This is how the story goes...

YOU open your eyes: oh! i don't want to get up, i want to sleep more - a story
YOU are brushing your teeth: I better take my shower fast, i will be late to work. - a story.
YOU are eating your breakfast: This tea is so good today, i should plan on making it this way everyday. - a story
YOU are driving to your work: I like this song that is going on radio, this radio guy talks too much, why do they have so many ad's in between songs, can they play another song. - stories...
YOU are at your work: I hope this day gets done soon, i already want to go home, i don't want to be here.. LOL!!!, this goes on till 5- stories
YOU are back home- what do i eat,  i don't want to go to work t'row -  stories
YOU are sleeping - you may be telling stories at that time too.
and you open your eyes again.

And the stories continues......

Thought of the Day

God knows everything about you, God sees everything you do and  helps you  know god only if you make your mind (your thoughts) your friend and not your enemy.

Once you realize this, you will be amazed by the immense amount of God's Love.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Go Slow

Few years ago, one day i was getting my grocery shopping done quickly, The person who accompanied me was watching me and couldn't stop from asking me. "Do you need to go somewhere?"  I said, "No, i just want this done soon" and the person commented "Then what?"

There is lot of importance given to doing things soon in our world.

Run Fast,
Drive Fast,
Go soon, Come soon
Come first in your class,
Answer your boss soon,
Get your job done soon,
Become some person soon,

Getting rid of this kind of conditionig  is surely a daunting task in itself,  but there is actually a lot of beauty and peace in doing things slowly. Get a taste of that beauty and peace and the conditonig will rid itself.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Quote of the day

If you can listen to the untrue/stressfull comments passed both by your own thoughts and others, and are able to withstand them without letting that affect you, and  you
are able to do that day in and day out, then you are living a wonderful life.

Life becomes Effortless

Asian spirituality or modern world, what does it matter, when you don't believe your own thinking, there is no time or space. Life becomes effortless.

Confusion is the only suffering, confusion is when you argue with what is, when you are perfectly clear, what is, is what you want. So when you want something that is different from what is, you can know that you are very confused. As you inquire into your own thoughts, you discover how attachment to a belief or story causes suffering.

The mind's natural conditon is peace, then a thought enters, you believe it and the peace seems to disappear. You notice the feeling of stress in the moment, and the feeling lets you know that you are opposing what is, by believing the thought.It tells you, that you are at war with reality. When you question the thought behind the feeling and realize that it isn't true, you become present outside your story, then the story falls away and the light of awareness, only the awareness of what really is remains.

Peace is who you are without a story until a next stressful story appears, eventually inquiry becomes alive in you as the natural wordless response of awareness to the thoughts that arise. Everyone has equal wisdom. It is absolutely equally distributed. No one is wiser than anyone else. Ultimately there is noone who can teach you except yourself. Everyone knows their own way, so trusting that is the best thing that each one of us can do.They are no gurus who can magically enlighten. A Spiritual person is someone who has a happy life, who doesn't argue with reality, moves with every moment effortlessly, delightedly and loves it. Be open to everything that the mind brings, all that life brings.Question your thinking and you will realize that it doesn't mean a thing.You will shine internally with a joy of understanding.

When there is no story, no past or future, nothing to worry about, nothing to do, nowhere to go, noone to be, it's all good

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I See, Eye See

How many times during the day do you use the word I?

I did this,i did that, iam doing it, i did it, i went there, i am eating, i am walking.....
I see.

Countless times.
Let replace "I" with "Eye"

Eye did this, Eye did that, Eye doing it , Eye did it, Eye went there, Eye am eating, Eye am walking, Eye see.

Do you notice the difference  between the two?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Quotes i like.

1. Question your thoughts, question your painful thought and turn it around for the love of truth.
2. A clear mind does not suffer, that's not possible.
3. The voice within is what iam married to.
4. What you see is what you get. Watch your are seeing on a daily basis.
5. I would kiss the ground i walk on. Iam it.
6. Peace is our natural condition.
7. Suffering is imagined. B'cos we have not questioned our thoughts.
8. The less you suffer, the kinder you become.
9. Reality's timing is better than mine. I had done my best. Things happen only when they need to happen not any second earlier or later.
10. When you meet your thoughts with understanding, they are your friends.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

You have to control your thoughts. Is that true?

Do all things happen exactly like the way you want?
Does sun rise only when you want?
Does snow fall only when you want?
Does rain fall only when you want?

Yes i understand, they are all the examples of the environment which are outside of ourselves and there is no way we can control them.I say, so are our thoughts; the speed, the density, the liquidity of the sun, snow, rain we experience is no different from what our thoughts make us feel.

Then, why control them? Can you meet them with the same frienliness and understanding?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Are you lonely?

Do you have thoughts once in a while or always that you are lonely?
Think again.
Really, Think again.

What about the thoughts that you have in your mind right now?

Since you have noticed them, they are happening in your mind and not in someone else's mind. That just means, you are not alone..... infact you are never alone. You have your thoughts with you all the time.

Than, you might ask, where did this thought "Iam lonely" came from?
Well, the same place as the other ones. But the only difference is, you have highlighted this thought more than other's, and why did you do that? Simply, because you love the drama, or to put in an other way, you have taken this thought "Iam lonely" very seriously.

Now loosen up, you are never alone, you are with your bestfriend all the time.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Where are we lost? or are we lost?

Did you ever notice that once in a while we hear comments like, " you are lost in your world", " you always look lost".I am sure you never investigated what exactly that particular comment meant. atleast i have not.

How about we investigate it now?

Ok, so you heard a comment, "you look lost".
Where are you lost?
What were you doing before getting lost?
What were you doing when you came out of being lost?

You were thinking about something else which was different than the point of discussion and then you restarted thinking about the point of discussion. Does that mean you are lost? No, not at least to you. And yes, to the other person who you were talking to. We are multidimensional species, we move from one dimension to the other in a fraction of second.

But in order for us to manifest something, it becomes really important that we stay with that one thought in one dimension long enoough, which is mostly refered to as focus.

On a physical plane, power of focus plays a vital role to understand the very essence of our existence. Sloppy focus  will not help you much.

Don't get up caought up with the story

What's your name?
Where do you live?
What do you do?
How are you?
Are you married?
What does your spouse do?
Do you have kids?
How many kids do you have?
Where do you work?
Have you visited any place over the weekend?
What are you waiting for?

So the list of questions we ask or get asked on a daily basis continues.
But have you ever wondered, what exactly we are doing when we ask these questions or answer any of these questions?
Think about it?

Well lets see by answering some of these questions.
My name is X, i live at y city, i work as Z at abc company, iam married to q, and we have d kids. We tell a story when we answer a question or for that matter at every second of our life we are doing nothin but tell a story.

When we are sad, we are telling a story of what we are missing to others or in our head.
When we are happy, we are telling a story of what we have accomplished.
When we are angry, we are telling a story of how badly we want something.
When we are disappointed/lost, we are telling a story of what we can't have.

As we experience every emotion, we are telling a story.
And these kinds of stories will never end, b'cos that is the way of our life.

And to make our life more enjoyable, it will only be wise if we tell a story of what we have and to let go of those stories that do not serve us in anyway.