Friday, August 26, 2016

What is the point

What is the point, when someone's presence makes you fearful?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you angry?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you anxious?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you bitchy?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you insensitive?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you confused?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you insecure?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you noisy?
what is the point, when someone's presence makes you irritable?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you rude?
What is the point, when someone's presence makes you unlovable?

The point is that, either you or that someone or both don't have patience.
Have Patience, Patience is everything.

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