Thursday, August 12, 2021


 I Sometimes get Tensed,Aggigated,Frustrated,Confused,Fearful,Wordy,unsophisticated,Rude,Raw,Bossy,opinionated,Lost, intense, angry, dull.

People don't want to be audience to any of those expressions and i get cast away when i do and get labelled things that are not so pleasant.

It's ok. Writing them down is the best way to express them if you don't find the audience. Sometimes you be the audience to them or better yet even you don't  be the audience to them, you don't want to watch a show that makes you feel pain alot. Pick your shows, Pick your audience. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021


 Nothing is Real. 

Everything is happening.
Everything is a Drama.
We get lost
Lost in words,
Lost in feelings,
lost in emotions.
lost in beauty,
lost in ugliness,
lost in hurt,
Lost in howto,
Lost in learning
Lost in Waiting for something different. 

How different can that new be?
when the old is just hiding behind different clothes.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Real World

Real World.

In real world sometimes you come across things that you don't like.

People are mean to you.
People are harsh.
people don't help you.
people ignore you.
people betray you.
People hit you.
people bully you.
people harass you.
people deceive you.
people mislead you.
people don't show up for you.
people delay your tasks.
people make fun of you.
people don't want to be around you.
people use you.
people don't let you talk.
people insult you.

You need lot of energy to face all this.
If you think too much about people and their actions, you will waste your energy.
Don't waste your energy.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Power of Attention

It looks like, by default mind has inbuilt capacity to focus/Concentrate.
When that intensity of attention is increased and diverted to one point .... it leads to pain.
The only way to relieve ourselves from such excruciating pain is to intentionally move our attention from that specific point.

Sky is the limit.. you can look anywhere, both, with eyes open and close.. there is no restriction.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Move on

If you see something that you don't like. Don't say anything... keep quiet
If you hear words that you don't like. Don't say anything... Keep quiet.
If something's done to you that you don't like. Don't say anything.. Keep quiet.

People want their actions,words,deeds to be overlooked however harmful those are...They expect you to  keep quiet, But Keeping quiet is not easy. Instead focus on Moving your energy.
That movement will ensure that those words,sight,deeds mean nothing to you.

Monday, April 27, 2020


There's this sudden stop/block like feeling. And it seems like that is it.
Its a deadEnd, there's no going anywhere else from it.
But that's the illusion.

There's that block and there's a lot that's not the block.
seeing that which is not a block in that moment is the key to freedom.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Don't shoot the messenger

There is no us.
There is no me.
There is no them.
There is no separation.
There is only one.
The drama you talk about, you call it hell, that hurt you, just happened.
there was no doer, there was no receiver.
It happened and it disappeared.
It was not created on purpose or to hurt or to get hurt.
It happened to know and go beyond the separation.
When you are stuck in deep hole, you need something strong to pull you out.
When the drama hurts you a lot, it just trying to get you out the deep rut that
you got yourself into.
Don't shoot the messenger.