Friday, August 14, 2020

Power of Attention

It looks like, by default mind has inbuilt capacity to focus/Concentrate.
When that intensity of attention is increased and diverted to one point .... it leads to pain.
The only way to relieve ourselves from such excruciating pain is to intentionally move our attention from that specific point.

Sky is the limit.. you can look anywhere, both, with eyes open and close.. there is no restriction.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Move on

If you see something that you don't like. Don't say anything... keep quiet
If you hear words that you don't like. Don't say anything... Keep quiet.
If something's done to you that you don't like. Don't say anything.. Keep quiet.

People want their actions,words,deeds to be overlooked however harmful those are...They expect you to  keep quiet, But Keeping quiet is not easy. Instead focus on Moving your energy.
That movement will ensure that those words,sight,deeds mean nothing to you.